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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Big Brother 9 Sneak Peak - Kimberly Caldwell

I have to say, as a blogger there is nothing I love more than when my blogging worlds collide! Check out Kimberly in the Diary Room!

Kimberly Caldwell, former American Idol Top 12 contestant in Season 2, and current TV Guide Network correspondent, was given the opportunity, as the co-host of Idol Tonight and Reality Chat to get a sneak peak at the Big Brother house for Season 9, along with 7 other members of the media.

Here's an excerpt of a recap of her experience:

I'm not just a huge fan of Big Brother — I'm a huge psycho fan! So when I was asked to live in the house, I was like, "Wow, OK, cool!" Then I got scared. Twelve hours? Who are they gonna put me with? What's gonna happen to me? I mean, I really like watching the show, but I don't want to be one of those people! Do I?

But I got it together and went and, naturally, over­packed. I've seen those challenges where you end up getting soaked in butter, so I brought a huge duffel bag like I was moving in. Step­ping into the house, which for Season 9 they've done up like a win­ter log cabin, is very surreal. Little cameras are everywhere except in the 2-by-2 toilet, where they have a microphone dropped down from above. I was a little pee-shy, I have to say. But eventually my bladder and I worked it out.

The producers wanted us to do the equivalent of a full week of BB, so we had the Head of Household and Power of Veto (POV) competitions, and an evic­tion. I even tasted slop, which is just like vomit. When we saw the photo wall, I was like, "Oh, my god! This is the worst picture of me ever! My life is totally over!" And I broke into tears. I don't think anybody understood I was imitating Jen from BB 8. Oh, well.

TONS of Big Brother 9 news today...I'll keep you posted!

source: tvguide

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