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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Finale Dial Idol Results

40.928 David Cook
29.372 David Archuleta

Dial Idol really got this one wrong? This is really going to cost them credibility?

Here is my experience from last night. Keep in mind I have not used Dial Idol to vote all season because of my many computer problems, and with my new computers had not gotten around to downloading it...settting it up, etc.

I voted for David Archuleta, set it up to dial all three numbers. When dialing I would receive one of three things, a busy signal, a successful vote, or an "all circuits are busy" sort of connection. The "all circuits are busy" connection was counting as a vote in the Dial Idol software? I would imagine the same thing was happening for both contestants, but if they aren't interpreting the connection right, how can you predict results by only counting busy signals, and not unsuccessful connections?

Anyway, I could be wrong, but that "gut thing" I talked about yesterday feels even stronger this morning! Either way, I love them both, and expect them both to be successful regardless of the results.

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