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Monday, December 17, 2007

Dan Fogelberg Dies at 56

Dan Fogelberg, one of the great singer / songwriters of the 1970's died this morning after a 3 year battle with Prostate Cancer. For those of you unfamiliar with his music, take a listen to the lyrics. Dan Fogelberg performing "Leader of the Band" a song he wrote about his father:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"A man of music...". Dan was one of the greatest songwriters--is correct : ) I didn't discover his music until 15yrs ago and fell in love. His lyrics and tender poignant voice touched my soul. He sang and talked about the environment long before it became a house-hold word. IF you have not had the experience of having a DF album---treat yourself; his every song is a masterfully woven tapestry.
He will be greatly missed. CHECK out his website too for more on Dan.
Veronica Herrera, Fan of the Man